The first thing to do to access the Autocad 3D commands to make sure you’re in the 3D workspace: go to the Workspace Shifter pop-up menu on the bottom right of the screen > click it and choose 3d Modeling. After a couple of seconds the 3D creation, modify and navigation tools will appear as tabs on the top Ribbon. Then go to the Application button > New > and choose the 3D dwt template file. You are now in the 3D workspace. Our Autocad 3D courses provide a solid foundation in working in three dimensions, creating workable 3D models appropriate to several industries.
There are several ways to use commands in Autocad 3D. The most obvious are the tools in the top Ribbon. For example, if I want to create a box I click on the Box tool. Now look at the bottom Command line – it’s waiting for you to add further information, in this case asking you to specify the corners of the box base, and the height. Given Autocad’s precision and accuracy, you would often punch in numbers here, followed by Enter.
Another method of entering commands is by using keyboard shortcuts, for example L > Enter to create a line, or C > Enter to create a circle. A full list of shortcuts can be found at the AutoDesk user guide site. But you must always look at the Command line to see what Autocad’s asking you for; the program is very procedural and unforgiving on this point. If a function fails to work, it’s usually because you’ve inadvertently missed a step or omitted some information.
A third method of entering commands is by right-clicking anywhere on the screen to open up context-sensitive commands – see screenshot above.
See many examples of our Autocad 3D clients’ work on our Facebook page.
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Autocad 3D commands