Revit 3D model

Autocad 3D vs Revit comparison

by Design Workshop Sydney

People commonly ask how AutoDesk’s two programs, Revit and AutoCAD, compare. In this first blog of our new Revit series we take a look at how the two programs compare. Both are created by AutoDesk but they have significant differences.

Variations in lofted terrain

Autocad 3D terrain variations

by Design Workshop Sydney

In an earlier blog post we showed you how to create Lofted Terrain. In this post we demonstrate some terrain variations on this technique. We cover all these methods in our Autocad 3D training courses. Firstly copy the terrain to one side. Note that if the original splines are too close to each other it can give the appearance of... Read more...

Lofted Terrain in Autocad 3D

Autocad 3D lofted terrain

by Design Workshop Sydney

Lofted terrain is often used in Autocad 3D when creating architectural models for shadow-mapping. We show you how in our Autocad 3D training courses. First of all go to the top left Application menu (Mac: File) > New drawing and choose your metric template. Double-check the drawing space limits by typing limits into the Command Line, then type 200000, 100000... Read more...

Modifying the Autocad 3D mesh

Autocad 3D modify mesh

by Design Workshop Sydney

Mesh objects are often used in product design or for 3D printing. After creating an organic 3D mesh object in Autocad’s 3D interface we wish to modify and manipulate its shape. This is quite a different process from other more geometrical modifications which we might undertake in Autocad 3D. We demonstrate various options open to themodeler in our Autocad 3D... Read more...

Autocad 3D mesh

by Design Workshop Sydney

Sometimes we wish to create a mesh object in Autocad’s 3D interface. This is quite different from creating straight-edged geometry, and we show you quick and easy methods of achieving more organic solids in our Autocad 3D training courses. This method is especially useful in product design. To create a mesh object like the one pictured here we first enter... Read more...

Autocad 3D animation tutorial

by Design Workshop Sydney

Animating cameras and rendering movies in Autocad 3D is an easy process; we show you how in our Autocad 3D training courses. Please note that in AutoCAD you can’t animate objects or parts in motion. In order to do this you will have to use a program like AutoDesk Viz or 3ds Max (visit the AutoDesk website: You can,... Read more...

Autocad 3D people

by Design Workshop Sydney

Adding people to your Autocad 3D scene adds a sense of realism, as well a quick impression of human scale. We explain how it works in our Autocad 3D training courses. Firstly, there are two types of people in Autocad 3D models: cutout silhouettes and photos. Go to the Insert menu and choose Attach; then navigate to the location of... Read more...

Autocad 3D sunlight

by Design Workshop Sydney

Creating realistic sunlight shadows could be an important part of the rendering process for some Autocad 3D models, especially those in the architectural or urban planning context. We explore the various settings in our Autocad 3D training courses. When the modeling process is complete we set the camera to a good view of the scene. Next we note the Sun... Read more...

Autocad 3D realistic lighting

by Design Workshop Sydney

The 3D interface in the full version of Autocad is a little clunky on the modeling side, but creates some amazing realistic lighting effects. We explore these features, and more, in our Autocad 3D training courses. For example when lighting a model of a luxury apartment like the one shown here first go to the top left Application button and... Read more...

Autocad 3D curved surface

by Design Workshop Sydney

Creating curved surfaces in Autocad 3D is a simple process and leads us into the subject of  organic geometry. This is a topic which we cover more fully in our Autocad 3D training courses. To create curved walls like those illustrated here first select the Circle tool, or press C and hit the Enter key. Create a circle on the... Read more...