SketchUp small house

by Design Workshop Sydney

SketchUp is the most user-friendly software for creating fast 3D mock-ups for architectural and interior design purposes. In this tutorial we look at the workflow for creating a small house or small room. We cover this, and many more techniques, in our SketchUp training courses.sketchup-small-house
We would first choose the Architectural Design-Millimeters template and change the visual style to the Simple Style, which can be found in the Default Styles folder. We would then use the Rectangle tool to draw a box 7000 x 250mm, for example – this will form the base of one wall. Create another box 9000 x 250mm, for example.
Alternatively we could use the Line tool to draw these out, but make sure to draw along the Red and Green axes. We would then zoom in and use the Eraser tool to delete any unwanted details, creating an L-shape for the base of two walls. It’s then a simple matter to use the Push/Pull tool to extrude the shape upwards by the wall height, 2800mm for example.
It’s crucial now to select this shape with the Selection tool and triple-click to Make Group. We can repeat this process for the other walls, grouping as we go.
To create a floor slab, first orbit underneath the walls and use the Rectangle tool to create a flat plane from adjacent corners. Now use the Push/Pull tool to pull downwards by 300mm. And triple-click to Make Group.
It’s now a good idea to create some layers. Why? In a small space like this we can hide one set of walls in order to work easily within the tight space. Later on we can go to the Camera drop-down menu and choose Field of View for a wide-angle lens.
Go to the Window drop-down menu and choose Show Default Tray and Layers (or simply Layers in earlier versions of SketchUp). Next click the Plus button to create a new layer, and name it Wall 01, for example. Repeat this process for Wall 02. And repeat again for the Floor group.
To move these objects onto their correct layers select a wall group and right-click to open Entity Info. Then change the drop-down from Layer 0 to Wall 01. And repeat the process for the other objects. To test them simply untick the Visibility check box next to their names. Note that we generally build on Layer 0 (the current layer, as indicated by the radio button).
We would then cut out doors and windows as normal. Many useful tips and techniques can be found at the SketchUp website. And see many examples of our own clients’ work on our Facebook page.
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